Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's been a while

It has been brought to my attention that my blog has not been updated recently. Yes, I agree, it has suffered a bit recently. It is not that our life isn't crazy, its certainly is, it just seems to be so crazy busy that when I have a minute to sit all I want to do is sleep. So my late new years resolution is to provide consistent updates on our crazy life for all to enjoy. So if you will allow, I'll provide a brief overview since the last update!

So the last time you visited for an update I was locked in Ander's room while talking on the phone and changing his diaper. Elsie is learning new things daily, actually hourly! It is so amazing how quickly she learns things and changes from day to day. Some of her latest accomplishments include eating in a booster seat at the table- she does so well; ring around the rosie- the pocket full of posies part is still a bit garbled, but she has the rest, including the fall down part; shake-ah-booty- thanks to Aunt Cheenie we may have a career in dance (ugh); and my favorite swim lessons!

I enrolled Elsie in a tiny tots swim class where she and I go to the therapy pool (so nice and warm) and learn the beginnings of swim strokes and play with other kids her age. She loves it. Pictures to come later! Classes will continue through Feb. Another activity mommy will be tackling soon is potty training, so look forward to some crazy stories related to that in the near future!

Ander's Mohawk

Ander is growing like a weed. At his last appointment he was 16 1/2 pounds and 26 1/4 inches long. He has recently enjoyed his johnny jump up and exersaucer. He also loves swatting at Elsie and laughing at her. He is quite the little man and although he isn't getting into trouble or being crazy we enjoy watching him grow and learn new things every day! Solid foods have been on board for a few weeks and in the next couple we'll add some fruits and veggies! Sleeping is improving- mommy is getting some good long stretches!

Daddy is depressed after the Patriots lost their play off game recently and Mommy is continuing to keep the house in order, mouthes feed, and butts clean!

Until next time...

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