Thursday, October 28, 2010

"I Stuck"

Elsie has been very fortunate in her 20 months of life, and especially the last 6 months to keep the number of major catastrophes to a minimum. We have had many, many bumps to the head, and one bloody lip, but yesterday we got our first bandaid. Ander was napping soundly in his pack 'n' play and Elsie was "assisting" me with cleaning the downstair bathroom. I was scrubbing the toilet while Elsie ventured into the shower. I didn't think there was any way for her to get into trouble, everything was out of her reach (shampoo, soap etc). All of a sudden I hear "I stuck, I stuck". I thought to myself what the heck can she get stuck on in there?! I opened the curtain and found Elsie with her finger stuck in one of the drain holes. She was holding her finger out, while the blood oozed out saying "Yucky". I got it cleaned up, but was kinda bummed when I realized I didn't have any cute bandaids to put on it. She had to have a regular one, but I was quick to purchase some pretty princess bandaids for future use. Now if only she would keep them on, and stop calling them "tickers" (stickers).

Now to give both kids equal blog time, Ander is unable to get into any sort of trouble these days, but is growing like a weed. Seems like over night he jumped a size in clothing and is filling everything out quite nicely. Time to get into the bazzillion tubs of clothes and get out the next size up! This morning I was finally able to put Ander in one of my favorite onesies! This is how I roll!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Apples and Punky's

Brrr... It is starting to get real chilly these days, so we are attempting to take advantage of the "warmer" days to get out and enjoy what is left of fall. Since the last post we took a trip to the Apple Farm with Nanny and Aunt Cheenie! Elsie loves apples. Anything that is round is referred to as an apple, but most recently she has said "punky" when prompted to say pumpkin! She helped Aunt Cheenie pick apples in the tree and was very focused on eating her apple. She even managed to swallow it instead of her usual chew, juice and spit out the skin. Ander, as usual, slept through the outing to the Apple Farm, but does make an appearance in the family picture with the pumpkins!

Halloween is fast approaching and the kids costumes are ready to go. We will have two crayons this year...a blue and yellow! I'm excited to post picture of our "colors" as Elsie calls them. Ryan is excited to take Elsie trick or treating. I decide he could take Elsie out this year. Last year Elsie was 8 months old at Halloween...what eight month old child eats candy...not mine thats for sure, so the candy would be for daddy. I don't think so. This year Daddy has a child that is capable of eating the candy she acquires...a little more acceptable than last year, in my opinion. We have a ridiculous amount of trick or treaters in our neighborhood, so my blue crayon and I will hold down the fort and hand out candy!

The upcoming week will be my last week of maternity leave. I will be heading back to work the first week of November. Hard to believe my 12 weeks is up already. I am excited to get back to work and for the kids to get back into their routine with Daddy and Nanny!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Fun

    It was an absolutely beautiful fall day. What a shame it would be to waste the day sitting inside. We bundled up and headed outdoors. Unfortunately Ander doesn't make an appearance in any of the these pictures because he was sleeping soundly, despite Elsie's screams of "Buddy" and constant attempts to poke at him.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ander Update

Hard to believe that Ander is already two months old. We had a visit to the doctors office today to see how he is doing. He is 11 pounds 6 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long. That places him in the 50th percentile for both areas. After the doctor was done, they sent in the nurses...I hate that part. He got a couple shots, but handled them pretty well. He came home to take a nice long nap after all the poking and prodding.

Elsie tagged along to the appointment as well, she needed to one shot. This seems to be her best doctors appointment yet. She got her shot and didn't cry until she passed out...for that I am very thankful. We did get a good chuckle when the nurses came to give Ander his shots Elsie bolted to Mommy's arms. She thought they were for her. Once she realized she was in the clear, it was okay to get down and play again!

Very thankful for two happy, healthy children!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Beginning


We have been struggling to find a location to post pictures and share the stories of our family, mostly the kids, but we think we have found the solution. With family near and far, we hope we are able to share bits and pieces of our life, so you can catch a glimpse at the craziness! Elsie and Ander keep us on our toes (mostly Elsie) and we look forward to sharing some of these moments with you all. So here goes our first attempt at a blog, it is bare bones now, but we're hoping we can spice it up a little as we get better. Our most recent family photo was taken at the 60th anniversary for Alyssa's grandparents. We hope you keep checking in on us and enjoy our pictures and stories!