Thursday, October 28, 2010

"I Stuck"

Elsie has been very fortunate in her 20 months of life, and especially the last 6 months to keep the number of major catastrophes to a minimum. We have had many, many bumps to the head, and one bloody lip, but yesterday we got our first bandaid. Ander was napping soundly in his pack 'n' play and Elsie was "assisting" me with cleaning the downstair bathroom. I was scrubbing the toilet while Elsie ventured into the shower. I didn't think there was any way for her to get into trouble, everything was out of her reach (shampoo, soap etc). All of a sudden I hear "I stuck, I stuck". I thought to myself what the heck can she get stuck on in there?! I opened the curtain and found Elsie with her finger stuck in one of the drain holes. She was holding her finger out, while the blood oozed out saying "Yucky". I got it cleaned up, but was kinda bummed when I realized I didn't have any cute bandaids to put on it. She had to have a regular one, but I was quick to purchase some pretty princess bandaids for future use. Now if only she would keep them on, and stop calling them "tickers" (stickers).

Now to give both kids equal blog time, Ander is unable to get into any sort of trouble these days, but is growing like a weed. Seems like over night he jumped a size in clothing and is filling everything out quite nicely. Time to get into the bazzillion tubs of clothes and get out the next size up! This morning I was finally able to put Ander in one of my favorite onesies! This is how I roll!

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