Friday, October 8, 2010

Ander Update

Hard to believe that Ander is already two months old. We had a visit to the doctors office today to see how he is doing. He is 11 pounds 6 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long. That places him in the 50th percentile for both areas. After the doctor was done, they sent in the nurses...I hate that part. He got a couple shots, but handled them pretty well. He came home to take a nice long nap after all the poking and prodding.

Elsie tagged along to the appointment as well, she needed to one shot. This seems to be her best doctors appointment yet. She got her shot and didn't cry until she passed out...for that I am very thankful. We did get a good chuckle when the nurses came to give Ander his shots Elsie bolted to Mommy's arms. She thought they were for her. Once she realized she was in the clear, it was okay to get down and play again!

Very thankful for two happy, healthy children!

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