Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tattoos by Elsie

Elsie loves to color. She has tons of crayons (most of which are broken, biten into, and have the paper peeled off) and color books. Each page is scribbled on in a different way, she is quite particular about what she colors and has a great time drawing circles. 99% of the time she colors in her high chair. I could care less if she scribble on her tray or her seat, and every once in a while she finds a pen and scribbles on a piece of furniture. Today she had a pen while in her chair. I was busy in the kitchen preparing for the week ahead, and I turned around to this...
We have a new tattoo artist in the family...who'd a thunk it! So we washed it off, and Elsie was a little mad, but got over it! Pen's are off limits from now on I guess since the concept of colors are for paper isn't quite understood yet!

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